


*學生請填寫第15-20項;非學生請填寫第21-23項。 (15)學校代碼(School code)(報名公開測驗者請勿填寫). (19)年級班級(Grade).

[PDF] TOEIC® Listening and Reading Sample Tests

In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken. English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes.

Who were the TOEIC test takers in 2019?

The majority of TOEIC test takers are 21 to 25-year-olds (39,7%), followed by test takers under 20 (22,9%) and 26-30-year-old (14,8%).

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【ETS臺灣區總代理】TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Official Test-Preparation.

2019 Toeic Full 2 Test | PDF

This document appears to be a sample test for the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) exam. It consists of reading passages and questions ...


本報告說明了全球所有參加2019 年TOEIC®Listening and Reading Test 考生的背景資料及其與考生成績的關聯統計資料。由於篇幅限制,本文僅為報告的摘要,讀者如欲閱覽 ...

[PDF] 2019年多益測驗台灣地區成績統計報告

次考生報名參加多益普及英語測驗. (聽力與閱讀),有效統計人次為3,080 人次,. 其中公開測驗考生為2,561 人次,企業/校園. 考考生為870 人次。 考生平均成績為69 分,聽力部分 ...

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test-全球

此統計報告是根據2019年全球TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test考生所填寫的背景問卷資料統計整理而成。 整體考生基本統計摘要如下: ○ 考生年齡以21 至25 歲(40%)占最多數;